Family Resources

Basic Needs: Food, Housing, Heating Assistance

Call 211 or visit

Food Bank

Food Stamps

Husky Insurance

WIC (Women, Infants, Children)

Child Development: Physical, Mental, Social-Emotional

Birth to Three for families concerned with their child’s development between ages 0-3

CPAC (Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center) for families with children with disabilities or illness

PATH (Parents Available to Help) Support program for families of premature and special-care children

KIDSTEPS for children with developmental differences (203) 453-7592

ACES Screening at Essex Elementary School (860) 767-8417

ACES Screening at Tri-Town Youth Services (860) 526-3600

Circle of Security – How to build a secure parent-child relationship. Local parent groups at Sound Counseling in Essex. (860)767-0533

Additional Resources

211 Childcare Infoline -Directory of licensed childcare in the area

SERC Resource Library

Toy Recalls