Registration Safe at Home Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 11:00am – 12:00pm Event Location Tri-Town Youth Services, 56 High StDeep River, Connecticut, 06417 Event Fees student handbook $ 15.00 REGISTER Participant Age * Select One56789101112131415161718 Participant Grade * Select OneK123456789101112 Participant School * Select OneCES DRES EES JWMS VRHS Other I grant Tri-Town Youth Services (releasee) permission to use photographs in any of the following: Web-based publications, print advertisements, or organization bulletin. I hereby affirm that such release to the releasee does not constitute any form of compensation, including royalties arising from the photographs, to my benefit. I understand and agree that photographs in the possession of the releasee shall become the property of the releasee. The use and publication of the photographs however, shall conform to my rights as a subject of said photographs. I hereby waive my right to inspect of approve the photographs by which my likeness appears. Age of Consent: I declare true my age of consent, and in case of under the age of such consenting age, parents/guardian consent is required. * Yes No Registration Fees You must select at least one item! student handbook $ 15.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Registration Fees Total